Gemstones We Can Use to Reduce or Cure Certain Diseases (1)

Doctors are definitely your best bet when it comes to acquiring the right remedy for a disease, right? Sometimes the doctor can cost you a great deal of money and anxiety. Alternative remedies to your ailments may be more suitable than paying for side effects. Doctors are the best bet. But if you feel as though you just may need a more natural and cheaper way to deal with diseases there is a way. Gemstones have been known to reduce or cure diseases in humans.
Although reference sites such as,, and all reveal gemstones that have disease-reduction or curability properties, this article will reference specifically,
This article is NOT claiming to cure diseases. However, the gemstones talked about have been known to do so.
Gemstones for diseases and their purposes
Anemia – Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire
Arthritis/Rheumatism – Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire
Asthma – Emerald and Yellow Sapphire
Eye Problems – Red Ruby
Brain Fever – Ruby, Yellow Sapphire and Emerald
Brain Tumors – Red Coral, Emerald and Yellow Sapphire
Bronchitis – Red Coral
Cancer – Light Blue Sapphire (on middle finger) and Red Coral (on ring finger)
Chickenpox – Red Coral (in a copper ring)
Children’s Diseases (diarrhea, allergies, food poisoning, etc.) – Moonstone (silver pendant around the neck of a child)
Cirrhosis Liver – Emerald and Yellow Sapphire. Moonstone as well.
Colitis – Emerald and Moonstone
Constipation – Red Coral(in copper ring)
Deafness/Ear Troubles – Red Coral and Wear Emerald (middle finger)
Dermatitis – White Coral and Lapis Lazuli.
Diabetes – Red Coral, Emerald, and Blue Sapphire
Digestive Disorders – Emerald, Yellow Sapphire and Moonstone
Diseases of the Blood – Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire and Moonstone
Epilepsy – Emerald, Moonstone and Red Coral (as secondary)
Frigidity in Sex – White Pearl (12 carats in a silver ring worn on pinky finger)
Headache/Migraine – Emerald and Moonstone
Heart Diseases – Emerald, White Pearl and Yellow Sapphire. Also, Red Coral.
Hysteria – Red Coral and Moonstone
Insanity/Mental Illness – Emerald, Red Coral and Moonstone
Insomnia – Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire
Jaundice – Deep Red Coral and Light Blue Sapphire
Leukemia – Cat’s eye, Yellow Sapphire and Gomedha.
Menstrual Disorder – White Pearls (10 carats in a silver ring). Also Red Coral.
Miscarriage – Red Coral and Emerald
Paralysis – Red Coral and Emerald. Moonstone as well.
Sunstroke – Yellow Sapphire
Throat Trubbles – Red Coral
When the negative energies of these diseases work against you, the reduction/curing gemstones distribute positive vibes that help fight the tough battles of your health. A doctor can provide medicine, but side effects are known to follow. Gemstones may be considered flukes to many, but to many others, they are miracles.
How long does it take for a gemstone to begin working against a disease?
According to, typically, it takes between two to three weeks to start seeing results of gemstones. This time frame definitely goes for Ruby, Emerald and Coral per
Where can I purchase the Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral, Moonstone and Emerald? Simply type whichever gemstone you’re looking for into the search engine and click the search symbol. So many different styled gemstones of various types are available at Jewels of Earth.
Gemstones for Depression
According to…
- Carnelian
- Smokey Quarts
- Lepidolite
- Jasper
- Obsidian…
…are five gemstones that will aid in reducing depression.
We all could use alternative ways to aid in our healing of certain diseases. Sometimes side effects from medicines aren’t what we are looking to experience. Our health can possibly get worse, unfortunately. In addition, we may not be able to afford the medicine that we need or the medicine we’re using isn’t enough to get the job done. Gemstones like Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral and Moonstone have healing properties for some of the most common diseases in humans. We can’t take this miracle for granted.
There are various gemstones on the market that can reduce and cure certain diseases: Bronchitis, Leukemia, Diabetes, and Heart disease, just to name a few. Who would have ever thought that jewels of the earth could be the ticket to a healthier life? Thankfully, God put these stones on earth for his people to collect and use to live a happier and complete life.
Doctors are great. However, sometimes medicine isn’t the key to happiness. Gemstones not only are used for disease reduction and cures but to just increase positive moods as well, even for those without diseases. Playfulness, love and confidence, to name a few, are moods gemstones are known to ignite. Give gemstones a try. You won’t be disappointed.